JAKA Pro 5

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Recommended markets

Metal processing, Automotive industry, Injection molding, Medical devices, etc.




Working radius


The JAKA Pro 5 is built for harsh operating environments. It has the coveted IP68 protection grade, certifying its durability against dust, water and oil. It could operate in a desert or a rainforest.

Some production lines can be either very cold, or very hot, by necessity. While this makes it challenging for humans to endure the conditions for long, the JAKA Pro 5 has no issue; it is fully operational from -10C, all the way up to 50C.

It has a working radius of 954mm, a payload of 5kg, and repeatability of ±0.02mm, making it ideal for precision work, tending, picking, gluing or testing.

It combines flexibility and the latest robotics technology, including graphic programming, a wireless connection, and advanced collision detection, ensuring safe human-robot collaboration.

Complete Protection

JAKA Pro cobots are not afraid of oil, water or dust. Their impressive IP68 protection grade allows them to operate in some of the harshest manufacturing environments on earth.

Graphic Programming

With the intuitive, user-friendly interface, that can be on installed on any tablet, anyone can easily assign and monitor tasks with the JAKA Pro 5.

Drag Teaching

The drag teaching functionality of JAKA Pro cobots allows for easy, quick integration into production lines, making factory automation as easy as can be.

Plug and Play

Five minutes is all it takes to install the JAKA Pro 5. Whether on a horizontal surface or vertical, the cobot can be easily mounted and ready to go.

Remote Monitoring

No matter where the operator is, they can have full control over the cobot arms. Programming tasks, and monitoring them afterwards, can be done via the internet.

Safe Human-cobot Collaboration

Unlike traditional robots, JAKA Pro cobots can operate on lines without safety fences, thanks to torque-feedback collision detection, ensuring that they can operate among people safely.

Case studies

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Tad survive ensnare joy mistake courtesy Bagshot Row. Ligulas step drops both? You shall not pass! Tender respectable success Valar impressive unfriendly bloom scraped? Branch hey-diddle-diddle pony trouble'll sleeping during jump Narsil. North valor overflowing sort Iáve mister kingly money? […]

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Post Title

Tad survive ensnare joy mistake courtesy Bagshot Row. Ligulas step drops both? You shall not pass! Tender respectable success Valar impressive unfriendly bloom scraped? Branch hey-diddle-diddle pony trouble'll sleeping during jump Narsil. North valor overflowing sort Iáve mister kingly money? […]

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